Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Anti-Aging Supplements

According to dermatologists and scientists in the sphere of anti-aging treatments, it is better to use natural ingredients to fight the aging processes. The nature is said to have more power in this respect than any science ever had.

Natural ingredients do not fight aging defects on the outside but stimulate the whole organism in general to function better with the years to come thus maintaining good looks.

On the basis of these natural ingredients, modern science managed to develop a variety of anti ageing supplements luring people to stay young always. But before taking any supplements it is vital to consult a doctor whether those supplements would interfere in health in general.

There are a number of different anti aging supplements that help prevent and treat some of the problems associated with aging. From health food shops and pharmacists you can buy anti aging natural supplements, anti aging vitamins, anti aging antioxidants, special women’s and men’s anti aging vitamins and other anti aging supplements. HGH injections need to be administered by your doctor. Before taking any anti ageing supplement, it is best to check with your doctor to ensure that the supplement will not interfere with any medical conditions or medication.

When it comes to choosing the best supplement which do bring effects, one should consider the following:

COENZYME Q10. It is found in cells’ mitochondria throughout the body. It helps regulate the oxidation of fats and sugar into energy. It can slow ageing, increase energy and lower blood pressure.

GINGSENG. This one is said to delay or reduce ageing. It can also boost the immune system and act as an antioxidant. It can have a positive effect on energy levels. There are suggestions it may prevent and fight cancer.

ECHINACEA. It is a plant that is used to treat a number of infections. It can as well help boost the immune system. It sometimes though causes itching, a rash, wheezing and facial swelling, particularly in people with asthma or allergies.

ALOE VERA. This natural ingredient is now also available in the form of a drink. There are suggestions it may cause a general feeling of well-being and that it has regenerative and anti-aging properties

BETA CAROTENE. Beta-carotene is found in green vegetables, carrots, sweet potatoes and squash. It is converted to vitamin A. Beta-carotene has antioxidant properties. It may help in the repair of skin cells and help boost the immune system. There are suggestions that beta-carotene supplements may increase the chance of lung cancer for smokers.

FOLATE – FOLIC ACID. Folate and folic acid are form of vitamin B. Folate occurs in cereals, leafy vegetables, fruits, beans, meats and orange juice. Folic acid is the synthetic form of folate. Folic acid and folate are antioxidants, which may help in the repair of skin cell damage and help boost the immune system. It may also help prevent cancer and strokes. High doses may cause rashes, itching, nausea, flatulence, cramps, diarrhea, irritability, vivid dreams and confusion.

HGH (HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE). HGH is produced by the body and helps the body maintain tissues and organs. As the body ages, the amount of HGH decreases. HGH injections are synthetic growth hormones injected into the body. It is only available by prescription and must be administered by a doctor. It can increase muscle mass and have a rejuvenating effect. HGH can result in headaches, bloating, muscle pain, diabetes and high blood pressure. There is also a pill form of HGH.

The list can be endless. These are the most commonly applied in the anti-aging medicine.

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